Why Vintage? Top 5 Reasons We're Obsessed with the Hunt
Co-owner Haley Harned in search of one-of-a-kind vintage jewels | by Amanda Mustard, 2013
It's no secret: we're kind of obsessed with vintage. And we get a lot of questions in our shop about what it is that we do, where we find our wares, and whether the things are -- and this is where some people get real hush, hush -- USED. Le gasp!
They sure are. And we love them that way.
Here are the top five reasons why we love hunting for amazing vintage pieces and being able to offer them to our customers and friends:
1. Sustainability
photo by Elena Jasic, 2015
One of the biggest inspirations for what we do is the idea of creative reuse. We live in a world of excess, where we are constantly making and using more, more, more. Shopping vintage allows us all to take a step back and put what's already been made to good use. Fashion trends are so cyclical -- what goes around really does come back around! And it's so much better to have an original than a big-box store's replication of it.
2. The Stories
Each vintage item we find comes with a story, and if we buy that item directly from its owner, we're often lucky enough to hear a bit of that tale. Sometimes we find ourselves in a person's parents' house as they're trying to downsize their goods so they can sell the home. Sometimes we're in a house that someone bought at auction, filled to the brim with the previous owner's old things. Regardless, we love speculating about the people who owned the items before we did. What was the woman like who rocked the copper, pink, and purple ski jacket? Who was the soldier that owned the full-length military jacket and what wartime experiences did he or she have? These stories are more than just entertainment; they're personal connections that are part of what makes us human.
Here's a perfect example: this plaid Field Master jacket came with all kinds of treasures.
3. The Craftsmanship
There's a reason why the vintage we find has made it to our store. Sure, there's the aesthetic value, but beyond that, vintage items have stood the test of time -- and they will continue to do so for years to come. With the push towards mass production, quality has often fallen by the wayside. We love seeing all the intricate beadwork, the complex patterns, and the fantastically printed fabrics, many of which were produced right here in the good ol' USofA.
4. Unique Style
Shopping vintage encourages you to mix and match and create a look that's distinctly your own. Throw your pink leather boots on with that 40s wool-blend polka dot dress, why don't you? A backwoods-y graphic tee is just what your peasant skirt and bold belt need. Or keep it a little more classic with a fur-collared jacket and silk dress. By never knowing what you'll find, you're forced to get creative. Plus, if you wear vintage, the chances are pretty slim that you'll ever run into someone wearing the same outfit as you. How's that for social insurance?
Head to our online store to shop these looks and more!
5. The Unexpectedness
We never know when we're going to find that drop dead gorgeous suede and fur jacket hanging in someone's mom's closet, or the hilarious "Looking for Love, But I'd Settle for Lust" graphic tee while digging through a retiring vintage dealer's finds. Like, who knew that Anela would find an insanely cool pram in the most random and unexpected of places while on her regular, weekly vintage outing, and then put a whole lot of elbow grease into making it totally baby-worthy (or puppy-worthy, of course). These surprises make us fall back in love with the process of vintage discovery over and over and over again. There's a thrill of the chase -- a chase where, many times, we don't even know exactly what it is we're after.
But we sure know when we find it.