Posts tagged vintage stories
Why Vintage? Top 5 Reasons We're Obsessed with the Hunt

It's no secret: we're kind of obsessed with vintage. And we get a lot of questions in our shop about what it is that we do, where we find our wares, and whether the things are -- and this is where some people get real hush, hush -- USED. Le gasp!

They sure are. And we love them that way.

Here are the top five reasons why we love hunting for amazing vintage pieces and being able to offer them to our customers and friends:

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Our Personal Stash: Hana's Picks

Sure, we spend a lot of our time digging up treasures for all of you to enjoy, but we also have some favorite vintage pieces of our own -- they're hung in our closets, decorating our homes, piling up on our bookshelves and mixed in amongst our record collections. And every now and then, we can't help but show them off. 

We love the style of our intern and good friend Hana Grosh, so naturally we wanted her to participate in our blog series, too! Here are some of her favorite vintage finds of the moment:

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Our Personal Stash: Haley's Picks

Sure, the three of us spend a lot of our time digging up treasures for all of you to enjoy, but we also have some favorite vintage pieces of our own -- they're hung in our closets, decorating our homes, piling up on our bookshelves and mixed in amongst our record collections. And every now and then, we can't help but show them off. 

Here are some of Haley's current vintage obsessions, including a patterned midi skirt, a Moroccan belt, and some fabulous, fabulous jewelrry:

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Stories Behind the Stash: Red Plaid Hunting Jacket

One of our favorite things about vintage shopping is the idea that each item we hand-pick has its own history. Each item has lived a previous life -- or two, or three -- meaning these articles of clothing are more than just pieces to be shoved in already-full closets. They're artifacts of days gone by -- of leisure and work, good times and bad. Their stories intrigue us, and sometimes, those stories just really ought to be shared.

We found this gem of a jacket -- a Sears Roebuck & Co. wool Field Master -- hanging forgotten in a 100-year-old woman's attic. The jacket was heavy, adding plenty of pressure to the old wire hanger that had accompanied it for decades. We were initially drawn to this piece's classic red and black plaid, seeing as how it's one of those timeless patterns that just never seems to go out of style. We also loved the 1949 hunting tag, which is attached to the coat with the largest safety pin we've ever seen. And yet these obvious perks aside, it wasn't until we got it back to the store and took the piece to be dry cleaned that we started uncovering all its little secrets.


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